PART-CAMO Classroom Training
Next available date: 22nd and 23tr September 2021, in Lisbon
EASA PART-CAMO Training package including:
- 2 days of classroom PART-CAMO training with an experienced instructor
- Case studies, examples, and group discussions
- Videos, PDF’s and other training materials
- Online Examination
- Training Certificate
Discounts available for groups of delegates.
This training is subjected to a minimum number of delegates, in case the minimum number is not reached the training course may be canceled and all the paid values will be refunded.
The available places are limited.
Out of stock
During 2 days in a classroom environment with an experienced instructor, this course provides delegates with an understanding of the revised structure of (EU) 1321/2014 Continuing Airworthiness Regulations and provides a focus on Annex Vc (Part CAMO).
This course is suitable for individuals working in, or with oversight of, Continuing Airworthiness Management of Aircraft either as part of an AOC or as a stand-alone organization. Tangible benefits have been identified by employees of Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul approval holders, Maintenance organizations, Operators, and Regulatory staff from National Aviation Authorities (NAAs).
The course will explain the new regulations together with the changes from the previous regulation and will help delegates prepare themselves for demonstrating compliance. The course will also explain how SMS and occurrence reporting is addressed.
In 2019, the Regulation (EU) 2019/1383 amends Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 and introduce a new structure to consider in the domain of Continuing Airworthiness. The effective date on 24 March 2020, we have two specific organization Part CAO (Combined Airworthiness Organisation) and Part CAMO (Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation).
Part CAMO is introduced as a new annex Vc to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 and providing a new structure and a number system that shows a relationship with the existing system for Air Ops 965/2012 and Air Crew Regulations 1178/2011.
Pursuant to Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 holders of an air operator certificate (‘AOC’) are currently required to have a management system in place, including safety risk management of their activities.
Part CAMO introduces a management system, including safety risk management for organizations that manage the continuing airworthiness of aircraft used by AOC holders, should be introduced & applicable to all AOC CAMO’s.
This training course will include the following topics:
- Regulation Structure (Previous and New)
- The (EU) 1321/2014 Cover Regulation
- Key Definitions
- Scope of Part CAMO approval
- Application for Approval
- The Terms of Approval and Privileges
- Changes to the Organisation and Continued Validity
- Findings
- Occurrence Reporting
- Management System inc SMS
- Contracting and Subcontracting
- Record Keeping
- The Exposition (CAME)
- Personnel Requirements
- Continuing Airworthiness Management
- Airworthiness Review and links to Part M and ML
- ... and much more
Get more information about this training course and other available training packages here.
Training course available for 3 months after subscription. If applicable VAT not included.
Discounts available for groups of delegates.